Microwave Meals

Explore a variety of microwave meal delivery options tailored to your tastes and dietary needs. Search and compare microwave meals that are suitable for individuals, couples and families. Learn more about how to find the tastiest and best microwave meal plans offered in Australia.

Alex Hamlin

Written by

Alex Hamlin
Certified Nutritionist

Alex Joy Nutrition supports busy individuals with health goals, offering holistic nutrition guidance to reduce stress and foster balanced, healthy habits. Specialising in empowering high achievers, Alex emphasises a preventative and management-focused approach to health. As a clinical nutritionist, Alex provides individuals with tools and education for taking control of their health. She advocates for optimal nutrition as the cornerstone of wellness, employing a food-first approach complemented by holistic treatments. With evidence-based practices, Alex offers personalised guidance to help individuals reach their health goals, prioritising health at the forefront. In health content creation, Alex delivers concise, informative, and engaging material rooted in evidence-based practices, educating, inspiring and guiding others on their wellness journey.

Edited by
Alex Hamlin

Written by

Alex Hamlin
Certified Nutritionist

Alex Joy Nutrition supports busy individuals with health goals, offering holistic nutrition guidance to reduce stress and foster balanced, healthy habits. Specialising in empowering high achievers, Alex emphasises a preventative and management-focused approach to health. As a clinical nutritionist, Alex provides individuals with tools and education for taking control of their health. She advocates for optimal nutrition as the cornerstone of wellness, employing a food-first approach complemented by holistic treatments. With evidence-based practices, Alex offers personalised guidance to help individuals reach their health goals, prioritising health at the forefront. In health content creation, Alex delivers concise, informative, and engaging material rooted in evidence-based practices, educating, inspiring and guiding others on their wellness journey.

Updated November 22, 2023
Fact checked Fully qualified and expert nutritionists have reviewed and checked this content to ensure it is as accurate as possible at the time of writing.

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What is microwave meal delivery?

Microwave meal delivery refers to a service that provides pre-prepared meals that can be conveniently reheated in a microwave. These services are designed to offer a convenient and time-saving solution for individuals who may not have the time or inclination to cook their meals from scratch.

These services often cater to various dietary preferences and requirements, offering a range of options such as vegetarian, vegan, low-carb, or gluten-free meals. The meals are typically prepared by chefs and/or nutritionists or dietitans to ensure they are balanced and nutritious.


Choosing a healthy microwave meal

Choosing a healthy microwave meal involves considering various factors such as nutritional content, ingredients, and portion sizes. Here are some tips to help you make healthier choices:

Check the Nutrition Information Label:

  • Look for meals with balanced nutrition, including a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
  • Pay attention to the serving size and the number of servings per container. 
  • If you are interested in learning how to read a Nutrition Information Label, read our “How to Read a Food Label in Australia” guide to help you out. 

Watch for Sodium Content:

  • Many pre-packaged meals can be high in sodium, which can contribute to high blood pressure and other health issues. Look for options with lower sodium levels.

Choose Whole Food Ingredients:

Opt for meals that include whole, unprocessed ingredients like lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of vegetables and/or healthy fats.

Limit Added Sugars:

  • Avoid meals with excessive added sugars. Check the ingredients list for terms like sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, and other sweeteners – sugar can be hidden under many different names. 

Check for Artificial Additives:

  • Avoid meals that contain artificial preservatives, colors, and flavorings. Opt for meals with simple ingredient lists without number e.g. E200

Include Vegetables:

  • Look for meals that have a good amount of vegetables. They add fiber, vitamins, and minerals to your diet.

Choose Lean Proteins:

  • Opt for meals that include lean protein sources, such as chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, or legumes.

Microwaving Meals and Nutrients

Microwaving is generally considered a safe and convenient cooking method that has minimal impact on the nutrient content of foods compared to some other cooking methods. While it’s true that certain nutrients can be sensitive to heat, light, and water, microwaving is a relatively gentle cooking process that uses low heat and short cooking times.

Here are some considerations regarding the impact of microwaving on nutrient content:

Vitamin C and B Vitamins:

Vitamin C and some B vitamins are water-soluble and can be sensitive to heat. Microwaving with minimal water and short cooking times can help preserve these nutrients better than boiling or prolonged cooking.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins:

Microwaving has a minimal impact on fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), as it doesn’t expose foods to excessive heat for an extended period. These vitamins are relatively stable under moderate cooking conditions.


Microwaving does not significantly alter the protein structure of foods. In fact, it can be an effective way to cook protein-containing foods, helping to retain their nutritional value.

Minimise Overcooking:

Overcooking in the microwave can lead to nutrient loss. It’s essential to follow recommended cooking times and avoid cooking foods for longer than necessary.

Avoid Plastic Containers:

When microwaving, avoid using plastic containers that are not labeled as microwave-safe. Some plastics can release harmful chemicals when heated, and using microwave-safe containers helps minimize this risk.

Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods:

Regardless of the cooking method, the nutritional content of your meal depends on the ingredients you choose. Opt for nutrient-dense foods, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Microwaving is a safe and efficient cooking method that, when used appropriately, can help preserve the nutritional content of your meals. To maximise nutrient retention, choose nutrient-dense ingredients, follow recommended cooking times, and be mindful of overcooking. Incorporating a variety of cooking methods into your routine can also contribute to a well-rounded and nutritious diet.

If you are interested in learning more about the why behind choosing nutrient-dense foods, check out our guide “Are Macros Important for Weight Loss“, in this guide we discuss what a well-rounded diet looks like, what macronutrients are and why they are so important. 

Keto Friendly Microwave Meals

There are keto-friendly microwave meals available, catering to individuals following a ketogenic diet. A ketogenic diet is characterised by low carbohydrate intake, moderate protein consumption, and high fat intake. If you are interested in Keto meal ideas read our guide “How to Follow a Keto Diet Without Cooking” to help you out. Keto-friendly microwave meals adhere to these dietary principles, providing a convenient option for those following a keto lifestyle. Here are the top 3 features to look for when choosing keto-friendly microwave meals:

Low Carbohydrate Content:

Keto-friendly meals typically have a low carbohydrate content to help keep the body in a state of ketosis. Look for options that provide fewer than 20-30 grams of net carbs per serving.

Moderate Protein:

While protein is an essential part of a keto diet, it’s important to avoid excessive protein intake. Keto-friendly meals often contain moderate amounts of protein to support muscle health without interfering with ketosis.

High Healthy Fats:

Keto meals are characterized by a high fat content. Look for meals that include healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, and seeds. These fats are a crucial energy source for those on a ketogenic diet.

Visit our Keto Friendly Meals page to discover more ketogenic meals.

Microwave Meals FAQs

Microwave meals can be healthy if they are well-balanced and include nutrient-dense ingredients. Look for options that contain a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, as well as a variety of vegetables. Read nutrition labels to check for excessive amounts of sodium, added sugars, and unhealthy additives.

Microwaving is generally considered a safe and efficient cooking method that has a minimal impact on nutrient content compared to some other cooking methods. While some nutrients can be sensitive to heat, microwaving with minimal water and short cooking times helps preserve the nutritional value of food. Avoid overcooking to minimise nutrient loss.

When choosing a healthy microwave meal, consider factors such as balanced nutrition, whole and minimally processed ingredients, limited added sugars and sodium, and a variety of food groups. Check the nutrition label for information on serving size, calories, protein, and other nutrients. Look for meals that align with your dietary preferences and health goals.

Microwave meals can be a convenient option for individuals looking to manage their weight, especially if they provide portion control and are part of a balanced diet. Choose meals that are lower in calories, rich in fiber, and contain lean protein. However, it’s essential to consider the overall quality of your diet and include a variety of whole foods for optimal nutrition.